Everyone knows that I’m all about helping others experience their own version of a great life with great sex.
I’m not going to lie, it’s possible and it takes work. Truth be told, work isn’t a dirty word anymore than sex is. When we put effort into something, we see the results. I invest in my marriage and my sex life on a regular basis and I’m proud to say the work pays off in pleasure.
My monthly pleasure pick is influenced by my own personal experience—and reviews by my clients. We’ll include what’s hot and trending, as well as good old tried and true staples that could make great additions to your pleasure toolbox.
Check here each month for my latest recommendations and listen as I share the details about these picks on the GirlBoner Podcast.
April Pleasure Pick
So excited for this month’s Pleasure Pick: YARLAP Kegel exercise kit and system
This month, August McLaughlin highlighted urinary incontinence on the Girl Boner Radio podcast. It’s so common and yet I’ve consistently seen and heard over the past 20 years so much discomfort and shame talking about a condition that affects 1 in 4 vulva owners and by the age of 65, up to 75% will experience urine leakage. Despite the prevalence, the important message I want you to take away is this isn’t a suffer in silence situation. There is treatment. As most of us aren’t eroticized by golden showers, I can assure you the impact of worry about leakage is a huge turn off for most on their arousal response and even their willingness to get naked or be intimate with a partner.
The solution for most is Kegel training the weak pelvic floor. For years, I’d educate women on how to do Kegels. The past way to locate the pelvic floor muscles is to stop the flow of urine mid-flow. The muscles that allow you to do that are your pelvic floor muscles. You can get use to the sensation of how they feel when they contract and relax. This technique however is for learning purposes only, it’s not a good idea to stop and flow frequently as this can potentially lead to incomplete emptying of the bladder, which can then lead to an increased risk of a UTI.
As a result of not being able to stop the flow of urine to know the muscles are contracting. So many vuvla owners have questions and even stress about if they are doing their Kegels right.
That’s what I love most about Yarlap! Yarlap takes the guess work out, it’s Autokegel is their registered trademark because it helps the woman to do Kegels correctly, easily and with excellent results, often in 2-12 weeks from 20 minute workouts effortlessly performed for you. There are 6 safe preset programs.
Once you get accustomed to the sensation, you can turn it up to make the muscle contractions stronger. Seriously, that’s it, you insert the probe, pick the setting and relax as the work is done for you!
The only contraindication is if you have a pacemaker, in which case, Yarlap isn’t for you. It is however, the Only FDA device available without a prescription clinically indicated for the treatment of stress, urge and mixed urinary incontinence which are the result of so many conditions like pregnancy, childbirth, strenuous exercise, aging and weight gain.
And, in my mind, and this is a big AND use of the yarlap is also prevention to maintain healthy urinary continence.
I can’t highlight enough how much of a game and life changer Yarlap is for so many vulva owners who were always vigilant of where bathrooms are when out in public, concerned about laughing sneezing and exercise, tired of wearing pads and for some taking medications. The peace of mind to go out in public or be intimate with a partner and not have to think or stress about incontinence is priceless.
I’m not going to lie, I was a little freaked out myself about trying Yarlap. I use all sorts of sex toys but the thought of small electric stimulation internally, well, psychologically that was a bit of a leap until I tried it. Like most things that cause anxiety, after, I was like, that’s nothing! And yet EVERYTHING I definitely noticed stronger contractions when I’d kegel on my own but also resolution of my occasional leakage post kids and so I can happily dance and jumping around at concerts. The best part is having stronger pelvic floor muscles for me is also the experience of more intense orgasms.
So whether to treat incontinence or as prevention, and opportunity for stronger orgasms, I HIGHLY recommend Yarlap as this month’s pleasure pick.
“Use the coupon code GB50 at checkout to receive a special $50 discount on your purchase.”
The Yarlap® Kegel Exercise Kit & System
by Yarlap
The Yarlap® with AutoKegel® is an award winning FDA cleared medical device that does Kegel exercise workouts for you. Yarlap® treats urinary incontinence and tones the pelvic floor muscles for you. No more guesswork, no more wasting time.
Visit my Instagram page @Dr.Megan.Fleming for great sex tips, toy giveaways and more!
And remember to check back each month for my latest Pleasure Picks!