Building Your Sensual Life
A six-week, small group workshop for women. Take a deep dive into sensuality, sexuality, and your unique needs. Each participant will share in a confidential, online setting and get an individual plan for personal pleasure.
If this sounds like a journey you’re excited to take, keep reading!
I’ve been a sex therapist in full-time practice for 20 years. My clients are gay, straight, bi, polyamorous, in open marriages, religious marriages, monogamous partnerships, and everything in between. One constant in my practice is this:
Our pleasure preferences are as unique as our fingerprints.
This is why it’s important to embrace your unique role as your own sexpert. As such, the key to unlocking your own pleasure plan, prompts, and practices that allow you to live a truly sensual life lies in your awareness of your authentic self and your inner-wisdom.
The messages we received or didn’t get growing up shaped our opinions and judgment of sensuality, sexuality, pleasure, and our bodies. Our beliefs are often already conditioned about what’s good or bad, allowed or forbidden, and our pleasure preferences can get lost, shut down, or forgotten, often without ever being fully discovered.
In this 6-week intensive, we’ll create a safe and courageous space, a pleasure container if you will, for you to explore your own sexuality and sensuality. This program kicks off with a fun, revealing, and empowering pre-work intensive called “The Ghosts of Pleasures Past,” which is the perfect starting point for our work together, allowing you to remember (and revisit) past pleasures which have already laid the foundation of YOUR most sensual life. After that, we come together week by week to embrace your inner wisdom, as well as the wisdom of the group, and give your own sensual habits the time and attention they deserve.
Immediately, you’ll remember YOUR own capacity for pleasure and we’ll build on that to deepen your connection to your pleasure zones and to develop the confidence necessary to revisit them over and over again. In the end, you’ll walk away with your own personalized Sensual Pleasure Map and be empowered to explore it alone or use it as a guide for your partner or lover.
What stops will we make during this 6-week journey into the Sensual?
Week 1:
The Pleasure Breakthrough
Right up front, we’ll dive deep to acknowledge (and release) any and all mental/emotional blocks to receiving or allowing pleasure. In quick order, the things that have held you back in the past will be exposed and evicted.
Week 2:
We’re Bringing Sexy Back
Now that we’re day-by-day feeling more free to explore and experience pleasure, we’ll get our HEADS into the sexiest shape of our life! Once we “edit” the thought bubble that sometimes pops up before, during or even while THINKING about sex, we’ll explore our full bodies without focusing exclusively on the genitals…at least, not yet.
Week 3:
A Turned On Life
Too often, we outsource our desire and pleasure, owning neither and giving it to our partner. NO MORE! It’s time to deliberately cultivate a life of desire, passion and eroticism and this week, that’s exactly where we’re going. Together we’ll learn how to ignite our desire AND keep it simmering all day long.
Week Three comes with a bonus: Daily erotic exploration prompts. For example, you say you don’t like (fill in the blank) but when is the last time you tried it? I can’t wait to explore this in Week Three.
Week 4:
Stoking the Flames of Desire
The truth is, you don’t always start from a place of wanting. None of us do, so it’s not just you. This week will absolutely transform your relationship with sex, eroticism and, if applicable, your partner. We’ll embrace the difference between spontaneous and responsive desire and leave fully equipped to create desire and pleasure on our own terms.
Week 5:
Oh, Week Five….by far, most participants’ favorite week! Together, we’ll explore the latest and greatest sex toys. Based on your specific, nuanced pleasure spots, you’ll discover which toy might be the best next one for you to try or to try a toy for the first time. I have to say… there’s some amazing new tech I want to share.
I may or may not assign a few erotic “errands” for you to run as optional fun work.
Week 6:
The Sex School is in Session!
In addition to pulling all of our building blocks for pleasure together, celebrating the confidence and power that comes from fully owning our own pleasure — in and out of the bedroom — we’re going to wrap up with an explicit sex school session, so we KEEP growing and taking our own pleasure to new heights!

Dr. Megan Fleming
In my 20 years of clinical experience, I’ve consistently found that experiential learning is how we best transform and grow. This 6-week intensive is special and unlike anything else you’ve experienced. That’s a great thing, because it may be exactly what you’ve been needing to cultivate the sensual life you desire.
I’ve loved every week, I’m glad I was able to actually make every session. You have so many little phrases that I need to go back and listen to that pack a huge punch, Progress Not Perfection. Try, Try Again and so many others that are little reminders to take action for what I want and to not get discouraged.
I’ve loved learning from everyone else, it’s been REALLY helpful. Just being able to have a safe space to even talk about the most intimate things that I wish I could talk to another girlfriend over lunch or walking through the park, but I just don’t have that kind of relationship with any of my friends that we can be that open with each other. This group has been really impactful & meaningful for me.
What really stood out for me is not outsourcing your pleasure but taking ownership of it! It’s such a powerful concept and kind of permission. I now know exactly what feels good and I can either communicate it, or I can do it myself. I’m looking forward to going back, listening and taking more notes.
I’m passionate about inspiring each and every one of us to know pleasure at the deepest levels of our own being. This is my mission. When we live sensual lives, we radiate at a high level and frequency and attract the life and relationships we truly desire. We get to own and write our very own happily ever after!
Our next sensual cohort begins on Thursday, October 15th and noon ET and will take place each Thursday until November 19th. Once you register, you will immediately receive my brand new Ghosts of Pleasures Past Pre-work.