Pleasure Rx
Are you yearning to connect more deeply with your sensual self, your sexuality or an intimate partner? If so, and longer-term therapy isn’t an ideal option for you, join me for a private coaching package. Introducing: The Pleasure Rx.
As a sex therapist with 20 years of experience, I know not every issue requires ongoing therapy and not every individual or couple can make that sort of commitment. That’s why I created The Pleasure Rx, a laser-focused, 3-part private coaching intensive designed to help you clarify not only what you desire in your relationship, bedroom and life, but what blocks might be in your way of creating it. Through a 1:1 revealing, powerful and practical coaching session, conducted via Zoom, we’ll work to shift your current reality towards your desired reality.
After your session, I’ll follow up with a specific Pleasure “Prescription,” featuring specific recommendations for best actionable next steps.
This is perfect if you:
- want to want sex more often (or at all).
- want something more or different from your partner, but don’t know how to communicate it.
- find orgasms difficult or impossible.
- have less or more sexual desire than your partner(s).
- want to learn new sexual skills.
- struggle with getting—or staying—aroused.
- are considering an alternative set of “rules” for your partnerships including but not limited to polyamory, swinging, etc.
- simply aren’t prioritizing pleasure, sex and intimacy in your life or relationships.
The Pleasure Rx is a curated, customized and effective coaching session with one focus:
To create an actionable, multi-faceted plan to help you find and fulfill the pleasure you deserve.